Sunday, April 22, 2012

Smokey Joe & Raven

Smokey Joe and Mama Raven
Smokey lived with mom & dad in the city. He really wanted a girlfriend. Raven was found by our friend Barbara, running loose on the streets of Downtown L.A. She caught her and brought her to Smokey. They fell in love and the week mom & dad got married here at OrangeRay, Mama Raven & Smokey Joe gave them a special wedding gift...

Jasper, Monkey, Violet, Bleu and the first Pixie (rip)
~more virgos~

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Four Brothers from their mother!

Jackie Chan & Keats were rescued with their mother when they were 5 mos. Their mom was carrying another litter when found. The older brothers stayed here where they were born out in the woods behind our neighbor's house. They help keep all the moles in their holes. (Keats is just sleeping in the pix above)

Billie & Harry Potter are the babies. They were born here on Aug 28 (more virgos) They are the brothers from another father. They are sweet, loving little brothers just like the older ones whom they trust to show them the ropes...if you like those kinds of furry little creatures. We like them better than that annoying cattle dog Bear, who ties to control us! No one controls a goat.... butt mom!

Peeping Goats

Mom can't let us in the house cuz we eat important papers:( Only cats & dogs inside! We have 4 new brothers who go in & out, but me & Bowie hang with Raven and her family.

Lucky, Tricky & Cocobain

These are the elders. They mostly stay indoors cuz they came from the city when mom & dad moved to the forest. Lucky is a ferel Bengal that mom rescued when she was hit by a car at 8 wks, she's 10 now. Tricky is our grandpa cuz he's 22 in people years. He's a mainecoon who was abandoned declawed at a rental property. Coco is mom's favorite (next to me). Coco, 9, came to mom when she was 2 days old. Mom kept her alive and they have a special bond. Coco is the Diva of the house!

This place is going to the dogs!

This is my brother Bear & sister Maple. Bear is a bit pushy but that's cuz he's a cattle dog. Bear talks alot too but mom say's he's just being a virgo. Maple was abused & abandoned and has issues but we love her so much and she gives us alot of love. She's just very serious but learning how to play jokes with dad and have some fun.

Poops 4 Peace!

This is a project that Bowie & I do for our rescued animal friends. We poop so we can raise money for treats to keep the peace! Goat poop makes GREAT fertilizer especially if it's organic like ours is! Bonus: Our poop don't stink...tee hee:)

My sister, Bowielicious

Mom & Dad had to get me a sister since I wouldn't let them outta my sight; Bowie is a Nigerian Dwarf. She may be small but boy oh boy is she loud and bossy! She really gets on my back sometimes:0

Come in and Play with Us, Please:)

           I use my nose to smell my friends and my eyes to see YOU!

Welcome to Pixie's Place!

Hi, my name is Pixie Emilia Aurora and I am a Nubian goat. I live with my family at OrangeRay:)